At Merri-bek Family Doctors, our aim is to offer excellent care for our patients. In order to be able to give your concerns the time and attention they deserve, in a well-resourced practice, we charge private fees for our consultations.

For your convenience, your Medicare rebate can be refunded to your cheque or savings account immediately via EFT when you pay your bill, meaning that you are only out-of-pocket for the difference. Our fees are the same for face-to-face consultations as for phone or video consultations. These fees are updated on the 1st of July each year.

Current Fees:

Fees for Specialised Services (pdf download)

General Medical Fees (pdf download)

Fees for Psychology and TRTP (pdf download)

We bulk bill all Aged Pension and DSP (Disability Support Pension) card holders and charge a discounted rate for people who hold other pension cards, and for children 15 years and under. Please ensure that our reception staff know if you have a Commonwealth Concession card, so that your consultation can be billed appropriately.

If you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, then please speak to us.

A single appointment is allocated up to 15 minutes, and in general allows management of one medical problem. Our fee for single general medical appointments is $99.20 (Discount fee $74.20). This attracts a Medicare rebate of $41.20, meaning the gap you will pay is $58 (Discount gap $33).

 A double appointment is allocated up to 30 minutes, which usually allows management of up to 2 medical problems, or a mental health issue. All new patients are allocated a double appointment so that we can get to know you and your medical story. Our fee for double general medical appointments is $147.70 (Discount fee $117.70). This attracts a Medicare rebate of $79.70, meaning the gap you will pay is $68 (Discount gap $38).

If your consultation takes more than the allocated 15, or 30, minutes, you may be charged a higher fee.

Some medical services such as employment or vehicle licence medicals do not attract a Medicare rebate.

All fees will be advised to the patient prior to services being rendered and are expected to be paid in full at the time of your appointment.