Happy 10th Anniversary!
December 15 marked the 10th anniversary of Merri-bek Family Doctors (previously ‘Moreland West Medical Centre’). When Dr Petrina Barson and Dr Arete Kouteris bought the practice from Dr David Chong, it was known as ‘Moreland West Surgery’. Dr Chong had been running it as a solo practitioner for many years, using paper files and employing one receptionist. There have been many changes over those 10 years: computerisation, building works, growth to our current size of 13 doctors, 3 allied health practitioners, and a support team of 10. We are so pleased to continue to look after many of Dr Chong’s patients, while also welcoming new people and families to the practice. Here are some ‘before and after’ photos so you can reminisce with us …

Did you know?
Dr Alison Pung’s name may remind you a little of well-known author Alice Pung, author of books such as ‘Unpolished Gem’ and ‘Growing up Asian in Australia’. At Merri-bek Family Doctors we have just discovered that they are sisters. It turns out that older sister Alice was given naming rights on the new baby, and chose a name that was a lot like her own.

Fun Fact:
Merri-bek Family Doctors’ and Staff Christmas party this year featured a bespoke game called ‘Greasy Pole’ to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Guests ‘re-enacted’ the ups and downs of the history of the practice in a real-life ‘Snakes and Ladders’ kind of game, replete with clinic trivia questions and ‘growth opportunities’

Looking after your health
Christmas and New Year can be great fun, but it is ‘a lot’, and it can be tempting to over-indulge. One key skill to help you stay in touch with your health goals is to slow down: eating very slowly means you eat less, because the ‘fullness reflex’ kicks in before you have time to gorge.
If you need more help with weight loss, you can consult Dr Ann Watt for the latest expert advice in this area. Dr Watt is also skilled in helping women manage their gynaecological health, and helps Merri-bek Family Doctors to continue Dr David Chong’s practice of offering medical laser acupuncture for pain, injury, and stress, among other conditions.
Heart Food
Finally, as our Christmas present to you, please enjoy this beautiful poem by 14th century Persian poet and mystic Hafez:
With That Moon Language
Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them
“Love me.”
Of course you do not do this out loud,
otherwise, someone would call the cops.
Still though, think about this,
this great pull in us
to connect.
Why not become the one
who lives with a full moon in each eye
that is always saying,
with that sweet moon language,
what every other eye in this world
is dying to hear?
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